Alumni Interaction

Alumni Interaction

Last updated: Feb 18,2019

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has organized an Alumni Interaction on “Challenges in Core Industries” for the final year Electrical and Electronics Engineering students on 18.02.2019. Our prominent alumni Er.M.Anbumani, Testing Engineer, Snipe Engineer Pvt Ltd., Chennai interacted with EEE students. The program’s aim was to share the challenges in core industries which will help students to develop their career and shared their experience and motivated the students towards their goal. He advised the students and emphasised the need for commitment, involvement and passion to finish their task within the period of time. Also shared the expectations of the core industry from the students to recruit them. Towards the end there was an interactive session, with the alumni answering various queries raised by the students. In this interaction 33 students from our final year EEE has participated
