National Level Seminar on “5G Communication”

National Level Seminar on “5G Communication”

Last updated: Nov 02,2023

The national level seminar on “5G Communication” was recently organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on November 2nd, 2023. Dr. M.V. Jithin Kumar, an esteemed RTL Design Engineer from the Department of 5G and DC at VVDN Technologies PVT Ltd in Ernakulam, Kerala, served as the resource person for the seminar. During the event, Dr. Kumar delivered a comprehensive lecture on the implementation of 5G Communication, encompassing various aspects such as the emerging 5G architecture, device to device (D2D) communication, Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), smart city services, and Cognitive radio networks. The students in attendance were able to gain valuable insights into the significance of 5G communication.
